hugo rant

Damn, I just found out my tables of content were broken for some reason. I didn’t change anything but the names of the headings were being automatically being changed to their “proper” name, instead of the one I wanted to display:

[Getting settled in {#Settling-in}](#getting-settled-in-settling-in)

This is what it autofilled, because I added the {#Settling-in} part/name for it link in the “table of contents” I had to create myself, because I just wanted a simple list with links that I could label how I pleased. I just wanted to name different parts more briefly in the TOC and more Colorfully in the actual text. Instead of working like it used to hugo also just decided that I really need a link to contents right under the heading of said table of contents, which I find stupid and don’t want.

I looked at fixes, but it seems like they comprised of changing the theme and messing with html, both of which were reasons I chose hugo to avoid doing. If there are any fixes within markdown that you know of send me an email to my protonmail, which is just my username +

Hugo in general has been fine, but sometimes things I think will be an easy job, turn out to take 4 hours to do. I think I get it more than when I started, but I’m still a noob at this.

Anyways, rant over. See ya!

#Technology #Programming